Ways to Manage Dyskinesia Effectively

Dyskinesia is defined by uncontrollable movement for some patients it may be easier to live with than Parkinson’s. Linked to the use of the medication Levodopa like Duopa, Rytary, Stalevo, Sinemet CR, and Sinemet. Many patients find it interferes with activities, but the trick is to find medication and lifestyle changes that help to lead a problem-free life. The options available to prevent dyskinesia and to suppress symptoms are very limited.

Dyskinesia symptoms include waving hands or arms, blinking rapidly, sticking out your tongue, random movement of the jaw, tongue, lips, toes, fingers, and limbs. There is swaying movement of the torso and hips. Discontinuing the medication may solve the problems but it can also worsen the dyskinesia or may go away or continue.

1. Medication change
Dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease progresses due to the Levodopa medication. As Parkinson’s progresses, the deteriorating dopamine brain cells make it very difficult to manage normal movement. The medication regime in dyskinesia needs to be changed and managed well which includes changing the medication, changing the timing of the medication and gap timings too, taking other medication for Parkinson’s disease, you can talk to your doctor for continuous infusion of the medicine and also getting deep brain stimulation. Inculcating some lifestyle tips for dyskinesia will also help the condition.

2. Diet
After medication, the most important aspect of a person suffering from dyskinesia is to adjust their diet. There is no such specific diet but changes in the diet will affect how your body absorbs or uses the medication Levodopa. This is a protein building block and helps the body to absorb protein in the diet. If you are eating too much protein and take a Levodopa pill, the body will not absorb the medication. The body is able to absorb only as much as it can, a high dose also has the same effect. A high dose means greater risk of dyskinesia.

3. De-stress
Lower your stress as dyskinesia worsens when a person feels stressed. You have to learn to manage stress to reduce the symptoms of dyskinesia. Exercise, do deep breathing, meditation, spend time with your family, friends, join groups, and learn new things to stimulate the brain. Learn music as it is known to have a good effect on the quality of life of those suffering from Parkinson’s. These are very helpful lifestyle tips for dyskinesia.

4. Exercise
Those suffering from dyskinesia are stressed out, physically tired, and fatigued. Even daily tasks feel tiring and physically demanding. After medication you can use the excess energy to focus and do aerobic exercises. No medication slows down Parkinson’s but physical exercise gives you a chance to break out into a sweat and increase your heart rate which can slow down Parkinson’s progress.

Cycling on a recumbent cycle, rowing, and swimming is a great way to move and beneficial to those suffering from dyskinesia. You can also do Tai Chi. There are specific boxing classes available for people suffering from dyskinesia and Parkinson’s. The aim is to find a regimen that minimizes the effects of Parkinson’s and helps you to lead a full life.