Follow These Natural Remedies to Prevent Dry Eyes

Are you searching for quick but natural treatments for dry eyes? Itchiness and dryness in the eyes generally occurs when they are not capable of producing tears. In other words, sufficient consistency of tears is not formed. Therefore, people with such a condition usually experience a burning sensation in their eyelids. The eyes might get red and cause pain if they are not sufficiently moisturized. Dry eyes can also cause you to have blurred vision.

There are various natural treatments for dry eyes including the following:

1. Include oily fish in your diet
Fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, and trout consist of Omega-3 fatty acids. Eye specialists say that these fats are healthy. They help the glands that produce oils in the eyes to work in a better way. Therefore, eating oily fish can reduce irritation in the eyes.

If you are a vegetarian, you should include other food items that naturally contain Omega-3 fatty acids. Walnuts are a great source of these fats. Vegetable oils such as canola oil and soybean oil should be used in preparing meals.

2. Blink more
Staring at the computer screen curbs the number of times you blink every minute. Remember to blink when you are working with gadgets such as mobile phones and laptops. You can follow the 20/20 rule. According to this rule, one has to close their eyes for 20 seconds after staring at a screen for 20 minutes.

You should keep the brightness level of your device as low as possible. This will help in maintaining the moisture of your eyes. You can also use sticky notes to remind yourself to blink more often.

3. Wash crusty lashes
It is essential to keep your eyelids clean. In addition, you should also keep the surrounding hair and skin as clean as possible. This will help prevent eyelid inflammation and reduce the chances of irritation.

You can use a drop of baby shampoo or a mild soap solution to gently massage your closed eyes. Ensure to clean the base of the eyelashes. This will not only help with dry eyes but also clear your eyes of pollutants.

4. Warm compresses with clean cloth
To get rid of irritation in the eyes, you can use warm compresses. This is one of the best natural treatments for dry eyes. Dip a clean cloth in warm water and squeeze the extra water out. Place this cloth over your closed eyes. Press it gently with your fingers. You should do this for one to two minutes. This procedure will help in reducing itchiness and you will feel a lot better.

These are the most helpful natural treatments for dry eyes. You should try these home remedies if you experience dry eyes. However, if the condition persists for long, it is better to consult a doctor.