Everything to Know About Contraception and Birth Control Methods

Contraception and birth control methods are the means a couple uses to prevent unwanted pregnancy or the spread of sexually transmitted infections. There are at least 15 main types of contraception and birth control methods that one can use. The methods listed below are designed to provide the user with protection by not letting the sperm fertilize the egg, limiting and reducing egg production, and preventing any fertilized eggs from attaching to the womb.

1. Efficacy of the main types of birth control methods
While there are various methods by which you can opt for contraception, you should know that not all of them are 100% effective. Even the condom carries a 3% risk factor, where it does not function as it is supposed to. Some of the contraception methods used are listed as 99% effective, where it does not work for one in 100 women. Some of the other methods such as a birth pill, often come with the phrase “if used correctly.” Women are often required to use the birth pill regularly and for a specific period, either before or after intercourse. If they do not use it as directed, then the pill may not be as effective in preventing pregnancies.

2. Main types of contraception/birth control methods
These are the main types of contraception/birth control methods:

  • Caps
  • Combined pill
  • Condoms (female)
  • Condoms (male)
  • Contraceptive implant
  • Contraceptive injection
  • Contraceptive patch
  • Diaphragms
  • Intrauterine device (IUD)
  • Intrauterine system (IUS)
  • Natural family planning
  • Progestogen-only pill
  • Vaginal ring
  • Female sterilization
  • Male sterilization

These are the various contraception methods that you can opt for. You may also want to know that some contraception methods such as female and male sterilization tend to be permanent. You may want to think about the various consequences before you opt for the same.

3. What do you need to do?
Before you opt for the main types of contraception/birth control methods, including the pill, it would be advisable for you to consult a doctor. Some of the methods listed above could have adverse effects if used with certain health conditions. You must remain upfront with your doctor when discussing the general state of your health as well as any symptoms that you are experiencing at the moment. You may also want to inform your healthcare worker about opting for a particular contraception method and find out what they recommend.

You can get all the information you need from your doctor, and learn how to use the same. You can also find out which form of contraceptive is the safest, for you, given your health. But if you are a minor, you should know that doctors are required to follow strict guidelines, when it comes to dealing with teenagers and contraception.