6 Incredible Natural Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a condition that affects those who have psoriasis, which is a skin condition. This is a condition that can be treated but not cured. It is an inflammatory condition that requires medical attention. The symptoms of this disease include stiffness, swelling, and pain in the joints. The pain may flare-up and subside from time to time. Most people with this condition experience morning stiffness.

Treatment for this condition can be done through mediation along with natural treatments. Medication includes drugs to reduce inflammation, joint replacement surgery, or steroid injections. Along with the medical treatments, it is important to try natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis as well to speed up recovery.

A few natural treatments that you can try at home include the following:

1. Exercise
It is very important to have a minimum amount of physical activity. Based on your symptoms, you can opt for low impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga. These activities can help you relax, sleep better, and ease your stress. Physical therapy is recommended by doctors to keep your joints active.

2. Massage therapy
A massage can help loosen your muscles, reduce stiffness, and relieve pain. There are numerous spas and clinics that offer massages or you could even make an appointment with a massage therapist. Acupressure and acupuncture are also said to have positive effects in easing the pain caused by psoriatic arthritis.

3. Heat and cold therapy
You can find temporary relief from the pain and discomfort by applying different temperatures around the joints that are sore. Moist heat can help relax aching muscles, stiffness, and soreness. You can use a heat pack, a warm towel, or even take a warm bath. Cold therapy, on the other hand, numbs pain and swelling. You can use a bag of ice or even frozen foods wrapped in a towel and apply it on the affected area.

4. Natural remedies
There are natural supplements, herbs, and treatments that can ease the pain caused by psoriatic arthritis such as:

  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Aloe vera
  • Capsaicin
  • Dead sea salts
  • Oats
  • Tea tree oil
  • Oregon grape
  • Turmeric

5. Healthy diet
A healthy diet with gluten-free foods is known to reduce inflammation. A healthy diet can help you fight the disease and reduce the symptoms. A highly nutritious diet can help prevent heart diseases that could be developed by patients suffering from psoriatic arthritis.

6. Relaxation diet
Stress can aggravate your symptoms and make the condition worse. You can opt for relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga to help you relax. Deep breathing and aromatherapy are effective natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis.

These are some of the natural treatments that can be highly effective when done over a long period. While natural treatments for psoriatic arthritis can help relieve symptoms, patients should also adhere to treatments recommended by a healthcare professional.