How to Prevent Liver Damage and the Development of Cancer

The liver is an essential organ of the body and is located below the ribs. It produces bile, a liquid that helps the body to digest vitamins, fats, and nutrients. It also breaks down medications and toxins. However, the development of cancer in the liver destroys cells and affects the functions of the liver. While there are many liver cancer treatments, it is advisable to choose preventive measures.

Abdominal swelling, loss of appetite, vomiting and nausea, chalky stools, enlarged liver, and weight loss are a few common symptoms of liver cancer. Diagnosing the stage of liver cancer can help choose the right liver cancer treatment. There are different ways to diagnose liver cancer, such as a blood test, ultrasound, MRI, and liver biopsy.

1. Causes
Learning about the causes of liver cancer can help you to prevent the damage and development of cancer. The factors that increase the risk of liver cancer include:

  • Hepatitis B and C
    There is a higher risk of chronic infection of hepatitis B or C via unprotected sex, blood transfusion, or sharing unsterilized needles.
  • Inherited liver disease
    In case a family member has a history of liver disease, there are higher chances of developing liver cancer.
  • Diabetes
    There is a higher risk of liver cancer among people who have blood sugar disorders.
  • Low immunity
    People with weak immune systems are also at great risk.
  • Excess consumption of aflatoxins
    Aflatoxins is a substance found in foods such as groundnuts, soybeans, corn, and moldy wheat. Long term and excess consumption can result in the development of liver cancer.

2. Preventive measures
Taking precautions can help you eliminate the stress of undergoing liver cancer treatments. Here are some ways to prevent liver damage and the development of cancer.

  • Protection against the infection of hepatitis B and C
    After the screening test of hepatitis B and C, it is advised to undergo vaccines or antiviral therapy and eliminate the risk of liver cancer.
  • Limit the consumption of alcohol and quit smoking
    Both smoking and consuming alcohol makes the liver weak and leads to cirrhosis, which leads to liver cancer. Quitting smoking and decreasing the intake of alcohol can reduce the risk of liver cancer and many other life-threatening diseases.
  • Limited exposure to cancer-causing substances
    Limiting the consumption of foods that have aflatoxins would help to prevent the risk of liver cancer.
  • Maintain an appropriate body weight
    Maintaining a normal body weight and following a healthy lifestyle can protect your liver against the risk of diseases and cancer.