Dietary Tips to Reduce Asthma Allergies

Asthma is a chronic medical condition that affects the airways. Asthma can be triggered by allergies that the patient has. Some of the common allergens are dust, fungi, dust mites and cockroaches. Other common allergens include food allergies. Though there is no complete cure, there are foods that can help manage it. Consuming certain foods reduces the chances of the condition being triggered, allowing them to lead a more normal life.

By following certain dietary tips, asthma allergies can be reduced and controlled significantly. Certain foods can help manage asthma and its allergens as they do not result in the immune system overreacting to specific proteins in the food, which is what leads to food allergies and intolerances.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits
Among the foods to manage asthma and allergies, vegetables and fruits should be an integral part of the daily diet. Such a diet keeps the patient healthy and reduces inflammation. Apples and carrots are among the top food choices, if you have this disease, as they help to control allergies and relieve symptoms a great deal.

2. Increase the vitamin D intake
Individuals with low levels of vitamin D are more at risk of suffering from asthma and allergies. Along with supplements, they should make it a point to spend a certain amount of time outside in the sunlight.

3. Avoid sulfites
Foods to manage the condition should not contain sulfites as it can easily trigger allergies associated with asthma and lead to an asthma attack. Preservatives contain sulfites, making packaged foods an item to avoid for individuals with this condition.

4. Decrease the sodium intake
Sodium intake should be limited by patients with asthma. Hence, raw salt which contains sodium should be completely avoided and even the usage of salt cooked foods should be regulated.

5. Have omega-3 fatty acids
Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, and seeds should need to be a part of the diet for asthma patients as they help in reducing the symptoms associated with the disease.

6. Antioxidants
Antioxidant-rich food should feature in the diet plan of an asthma patient. Avocados are very rich in antioxidants and should be among the foods consumed to manage asthma and allergies.

In addition to the above-mentioned dietary tips to manage asthma and allergies, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is also necessary. Individuals should try and maintain a healthy weight as obesity will lead to flare-ups. One can consult their doctor and dietician for tips to deal with the condition. It is essential to remember that different food items can be triggers for different patients and there can be no uniform diet chart for asthma patients.