How to Deal with Allergies in Cats Caused by Toxic Houseplants

How to Deal with Allergies in Cats Caused by Toxic Houseplants

Most cat owners are aware that there are common houseplants that can cause allergies in cats. Cats tend to chew on plants and grass, and they are just trying to purge their stomach contents by eating some plant matter. The problem is that some of these plants are toxic houseplants for cats. Typical toxic houseplants for cats are lily, lily of the valley, azaleas, and sago palm.

Here are a few points you should remember when it comes to choosing houseplants.

1. Toxicity
It is hard to determine precisely how much of a particular plant is toxic to a cat. The problem is that there are several cat breeds, and as a result, their susceptibility to poisonous plants tends to vary. According to The International Cat Association, there are currently over 70 recognized breeds. Toxicity varies from plant to plant, and some parts of the plant tend to be more poisonous than the rest of the plant. It is advisable to take your pet to the local vet, should you find that he/she has eaten or nibbled on any toxic houseplants for cats.

2. Keep an eye out for the symptoms
It would be advisable to check your pet regularly for signs and symptoms or any change in behavior. Try to see if your pet is suffering from some of the toxic effects and take him to the vet, the moment he starts to move or behave erratically.

3. Dangerous symptoms
Here are some of the signs that can indicate toxicity. Your cat may be finding it hard to breathe. Or your pet may find it hard to swallow in which case the mouth, throat, and esophagus are likely affected. Your pet may also have diarrhea and/or may vomit at times. He may also move erratically and even display erratic or unusual behavior. All of these symptoms could well indicate the effects of toxic houseplants, and you must seek medical help right away.

4. Care and diagnosis
The first thing that you need to do is to gently clean your pet and remove all plant debris from his body. Once that’s done, you can then immobilize him and swaddle him in a blanket if required. Then, you need to take him to the vet for immediate diagnosis and treatment. Sometimes samples of toxic houseplants might be needed to help determine treatment.

It should be pointed out that most cats can overcome the toxic effects of the plant provided they get the required help in time. So make sure that you head to the vet immediately if you notice any symptoms of toxicity in your cat. Also, ensure that the plants you wish to keep in your home are not toxic for cats.