Lifestyle Changes to Help Manage Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common health conditions that doctors diagnose. Blood sugar imbalance, although common, can be prevented by following a healthy lifestyle. The treatment for diabetes includes tablets and insulin injections; however, one has to follow a strict diet and include some amount of physical activity to remain fit. Here are some of the tips that should be followed for the treatment of diabetes.

1. Exercise
In addition to the treatment for diabetes, one should include regular exercise and walking in their daily schedule. Approximately 30 minutes of walking early in the morning or in the evening is highly recommended for diabetics. This enhances the body’s metabolism and helps in maintaining the levels of blood sugar to a great extent.

2. Food
When diagnosed with diabetes, individuals have to control the amount of sugar they consume. Along with the prescribed treatment for diabetes, one should control their carbohydrate and calorie intake as well. Besides, every patient should visit a nutritionist or dietician to get a detailed diet chart. This will help keep the blood sugar levels in check.

3. Alcohol
Alcohol has an adverse effect on blood sugar levels and should be restricted when undergoing the treatment for diabetes. Once the blood sugar level is normal, the liver starts its metabolic activity and breaks down the stored glycogen to compensate for the lost blood sugar. However, excess alcohol consumption can prevent glucose metabolism, which eventually results in diabetic surges.

4. Avoid stress
Stress can directly affect blood sugar levels. As a result, many doctors advise against taking stress when on treatment for diabetes. This is because the body experiences an imbalance in hormone secretion when stressed. As a result, hormone surges interrupt normal blood-sugar metabolism and result in exaggerated levels. Diabetics are advised to practice regular meditation in their daily schedule.

5. Menopause
Women suffer extreme hormonal changes after the age of 45 on average. During this period, the body prepares itself for menopause or permanent stoppage of the menstrual cycle. The series of hormonal changes, especially the imbalance of estrogen and progesterone, can cause several metabolic imbalances. This directly affects the blood sugar level. Menopause is also accompanied by several health conditions, including osteoporosis or brittle bones or bone degeneration. Women are urged to opt for calcium and vitamin D3 supplements along with the treatment for diabetes.

Diabetes is linked with one’s lifestyle choices directly and indirectly. Most of the treatments for diabetes revolve around a restricted diet to limit the amount of carbohydrates and gluten. However, since the body needs its daily nutrition, vitamins, and minerals, one should maintain a thorough diet plan to ensure there is no deficiency.